April 6, 2010

Hello, I'm Rozan from the Netherlands and during my stay in Cusco I visited this project. I did my volunteer work at another place, but I raised a lot of money which I wanted to spent on different projects. And San Nicolas Urraca was one of them! I met the directress Luisa and she showed me a very warm project with nice kids. So we went shopping! We bought learning books, which she can copy for all children, colored paper, glew, adhesive tape and all kinds of other things for the children to tinker. During our shoppingtime I got to know Luisa much better and it became clear to me that she has a very big heart. Because of her courage San Nicolas Urraca is a good project with a lovely atmosphere! Also her quality to take initiatives makes it possible for the project to exist. For example Luisa asked a few mothers of the children to make shawls for selling so that she can use this money for the project. Today they are still doing this so if you would like to buy one, send an email to sannicolasurraca@gmail.com! See also the pictures.

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