This last summer I've spended 2 months in Peru, the first month to learn Spanish and the second month to work with the kids at San Nicolas Urraca. It was an incredible experience, the first day I got there I immediately felt welcome and appreciated! The kids are so nice and sweet and Luisa and José, the project-leaders, are also the best! Every week we had a shower-day, a cooking-day and if the weather was good and there were a lot of kids we would go to the park one day! It was so gre

at to see how those kids appreciate every little thing you do for them and how happy they are, having nothing at all. A
t first it was difficult to see how some kids are always dirty or not wearing underwear just because they are so poor. But it really makes you realise how good life can be also without all the luxury stuff. Those kids are so inspiring and maybe an example to us all! Really feels good to just cook for those kids and hear them scream "gracias" a thousend times, while for me it was just such a small effort to give. It really was incredible how much love the kids gave and how greatfull they were just because you are willing to help them out a little.

It was the hardest thing going back home, with all the kids giving you drawings with "te quiero", I couldn't keep a dry eye! But I don't regret one moment because I had the best time of my life! Also because I had the luck
to be working together with Karolin, she was so great! Karolin, honey, I miss you, hope to read from you soon too on this blog!
San Nicolas Urraca really is a great project and I still miss working there every day. Luisa, José thanks a lot for keeping this project alive, I miss you and I really hope to be coming back to Peru one day! Give the kids a big kiss from me! For always in my heart!
It really was, an unforgettable experience.

We bought toothbrushes for the kids (some of them had never brushed their tooth before, unbelievable!). But it was really great, they loved brushing their teeths, so cute!